
Getting the Most Nutritional Value for Your Food

Getting the Most Nutritional Value for Your Food


I’m sure all of us would want to be healthy. And one of the simplest ways we can do to be healthy is to eat healthily. The problem arises when we don’t know which food to take that will give us the best health. Nutritionists can help us in choosing the right food to eat for us to get the most benefit for our health.

Of course, we know that eating fast food is not healthy for us. And processed foods are not good for our health either. So the next question would be, “What are the sort of food that we should be eating?” This should be followed by “How will I get the most nutritional value from the grocery foods I buy?” Then, again, followed by the next question “Which groceries I should be buying?”

All these questions, we will try to answer in this article. Read on.

First of all, whenever you have a choice, look for whole-grain foods. You will find this on the food’s packaging. For some, this could not be possible, so just buy enriched refined foods, at least, if whole-grain is not available. Even bread sometimes is hard to tell if whole-grain or not. Pay close attention to the product’s ingredients as sometimes just because it is whole wheat does not mean that it is whole-grain.

The next thing is the most important thing to consider when buying foods at the grocery store. Focus on buying only fresh fruits and vegetables the most feasible you can. You can go with frozen vegetables and fruits if the fresh ones are not available. As much as possible, stay away from canned versions as they are usually preserved in mixtures that are not all good for the health.

Here is the general rule when buying fruits and vegetables. You need to keep this in mind when buying them at grocery stores. The sooner that vegetables and fruits were picked, or simply translates, the fresher they are, the better they are for the consumer. There are many grocery stores that provide freshly picked fruits and vegetables. You only need to know where to spot these groceries and markets. But then, again, if you cannot get them fresh, there is also the frozen option as mentioned earlier.

Next is about dairy products. Here is a rule of thumb: Stay away from them. But if you have no other choice and you absolutely need them, stick to the low-fat option and also find those that are fortified with Vitamins D and A if you can.

And to get the most nutrients out of the foods you eat, keep these tips in mind. Don’t soak the fresh fruits and vegetables you bought very much in the water. Rinsing the grains of rice too much will remove some of its nutrients. Another tip is to keep your fruits and vegetables whole until you are ready to cook them. As you can notice with some vegetables and fruits, when you cut them and place them aside, they will start to change colors and deteriorate. Avoid boiling vegetables. Steaming them is a healthier option as it helps preserve the vegetable’s nutrients.

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